Picture of therapist holding laptop and asking, should I hire someone to write my therapist website

If you’ve decided to create or refresh your therapist website, you may be wondering, “should I hire someone to write my therapist website?”

A therapist website has many parts. From the design to the words, from finding images to technical choices, it can feel like a lot to handle all on your own.

And unless you have sales or marketing training, which you probably didn’t get in grad school, much of the stuff that goes into making a website a success will be unknown territory.

Luckily, hiring someone to write your therapist website is an option and in this post, I’ll be sharing what to think about when considering hiring help and alternative options you can consider too. 

Website Copy: The Most Important Part Of  A Therapist Website

Website copy is the core text of your website that describes who you are, how you help, and helps walk your website visitors towards your help by inviting them to reach out.

Simply put, website copy consists of the words that you put on your website. So the text on your home page, about page, services pages like “depression therapy,” all of these pages are website copy.

And website copy is the most important part of a therapist website. The words are what:

  • Can express who you are as a therapist and the kinds of work you do
  • Helps you demonstrate that you know what you’re talking about
  • Let’s website visitors feel like they are in the right place and get a sense of “that’s what I’m looking for in a therapist”
  • Allows referral sources get to know you and feel confident sending referrals your way
  • Encourages your website visitors to reach out to get your help

In addition, when done well, your website copy can give you a sense of confidence so that you have a website you’re proud of and meet many further human needs as well.

Should You Hire Someone To Write Your Therapist Website? 

While you can hire someone to write your therapist website, you can also find other options too. Are you aware of them?

In this article, we’ll discuss hiring someone to write your therapist website and the other options out there for getting help too.

It’s kinda like: don’t go to the first restaurant you see. Let’s explore what else is in the neighborhood so you can match yourself to what’s best for you.

The options fall into three categories: the do-it-yourself option, the Empathycopy option, and the hiring-a-professional option. 

Sidenote On Kat Love, Author Of This Post

kat love copywriter for therapists hire to write therapist website

Before diving into the three options, I would like to share that I am the creator of Empathycopy which is an option I’ll be sharing about in this post.

As a sexual abuse survivor who has gotten transformative help and healing from therapists, I created Empathycopy to help therapists back. So far, Empathycopy has helped hundreds of therapists get their websites written.

That said, Empathycopy is not the right-fit for every therapist. And because my mission is to help therapists, I’m dedicated to sharing the information that helps you find your best-fit option so that you can get out there, connect, and do the important work you do.

So let’s explore the options together so you’re empowered to find what will work for you.

The 3 Options For Getting Your Website Written Including Pros, Cons, And Prices

Option 1: Do It Yourself (aka DIY) 

Between googling, reading books, and maybe finding a course or program, if you are interested in learning the skill of copywriting so that you can write your therapist website on your own, the great news is that copywriting is a learnable skill. 

After all, there are plenty of people who are professional copywriters. How did they learn how to write so well? What resources do they use? What books and blogs are they reading? You can learn copywriting too and use your skills to write your own website.


  • Potentially spend the least amount of money out of the three options
  • Develop a fun skill that you can use for years to come


  • Spend the most amount of time out of the three options.
  • Need to hold yourself accountable to learn everything, write, and edit.
  • As a beginner, your first attempts at writing will not be at a professional-level. Expect to start at the bottom of the learning curve and improve with practice over time.


$0 to google it
$5-$30 per book
$30 – $1000 for courses or programs

Option 2: Use Empathycopy 

Designed to help therapists who don’t know where to start or what to include, Empathycopy is a set of tools that help therapists easily get their websites written. 

It’s the in-between option between DIY and hiring a professional copywriter.

It works by allowing you to answer some easy questions, collecting your input, and then drafting a page of your website based on what you shared. Interactions are with the forms, called “generators.”

So far, Empathycopy has helped hundreds of therapists go from being stuck to having a website they are proud of.


  • Way less expensive than hiring a professional copywriter or joining a premium course to learn copywriting
  • No learning involved – just answer questions
  • Can draft an entire website in an afternoon
  • Creates effective copy that reflects the therapist and attracts clients


  • Need to hold yourself accountable to using it
  • Need to edit your results yourself (Empathycopy provides some DIY guides on how-tos)


$139/mo for solo practices
$219/mo for group practices

(Most therapists stay with the service for 1-2 months)

Option 3: Hire A Professional Copywriter

By finding a professional copywriter for your therapist website, you can have your website professionally written by an expert.


  • Collaborative process with an expert including interviews, reviewing drafts, and providing your feedback
  • The most luxurious way to get your website written since someone else already learned everything, became an expert, does the work, and guides you through their process
  • Can be highly effective – creating effective copy that reflects the therapist and attracts clients


  • By far, the most expensive option
  • The writer can’t read your mind so while it’s luxurious, you still need to do stuff to get the best results like be clear on who you are and who you help, share that with them, and read and give timely feedback on drafts.
  • You will be on a timeline – you have to give them the stuff they need in a timely manner
  • May be challenging to find your good-fit writer that gets you and you click with


$400/page – $600/page 

(So for a 5 page website, expect to pay $2000 if the writer’s rates are $400/page. Expect the price to increase as the number of pages, and words on those pages, increase. A writer’s level of experience can also influence price.) 

3 Questions To Help You Determine Your Best-Fit Solution

Knowing what’s out there can be a helpful first step – but how can you determine what the best-fit option may be for you? Here are three questions you can ask yourself to help you decide on if you should DIY, use Empathycopy, or hire a professional copywriter. 

1. What’s my budget? 

The question of budget may narrow down your options. For therapists who are on the tightest of budgets, learning copywriting with free or cheap resources would be the most cost-saving route of all.

Courses or programs to learn could also assist in the journey and books and free online resources can take the required investment to learn way down. 

If you are able to invest $139 or more though, then Empathycopy is within reach. And when compared to the do-it-yourself route, you’ll get better results faster.

If you’re a therapist with a budget of a couple thousand dollars or more, you can afford to invest in any of the options available. In that case, consider the further two questions to evaluate what option may be the best fit for you.

2. How much time do I have?

Money isn’t the only limited resource when it comes to building a private practice. 

If you are short on time, using Empathycopy and hiring a copywriter are the options to consider. Empathycopy saves the most time out of the three options. Hiring a copywriter would be the second most time-saving.

Empathycopy shares that, “It could take as little as 2 hours to create an 8 page website” based on the data they’ve collected from the many therapists that have used the service.

Even if you add an hour or two to edit your results, you can write an entire website in an afternoon.

If you hire a copywriter, it will take the same amount of time, or longer, and be spread over a number of weeks. 

Most copywriters use a collaborative process and may ask you to fill out questionnaires, interview you, follow up with questions, get your feedback on drafts, and participate in further collaborative aspects of their process. 

This means that most professional copywriters will need at least a few hours of your time, if not more, to write your website for you. 

If you are not crunched for time, then you may wish to consider the third option of writing your website yourself, do-it-yourself style. That said, consider the following question to help determine if that may be the best-fit option for you.

3. How excited am I about learning copywriting?

Learning a new skill can be fun if you are enthusiastic about learning it. But if the enthusiasm isn’t there, learning becomes a chore. 

If you cringe at the idea of learning copywriting and you have a small to large budget, two of the three options do not require much learning: using Empathycopy and hiring a copywriter. 

Empathycopy is designed to be a no-learning option. You sign up and off you go with your entire website plan (they call it the “Header, Footer, and Navigation”) which is done in as little as 5 minutes and your “About Page” done in another 20 minutes.

If you can answer questions, you can get great results with Empathycopy. And you don’t have to know anything about copywriting to do it.

Hiring a copywriter is also similarly learning-free. Because you are working with an expert, they will guide you through their process. You shouldn’t need to learn anything about copywriting to get good results with the writer you hire.

Should You Hire Someone To Write Your Therapist Website? The Answer Is: Maybe

Whether or not to hire someone to write your therapist website is an important question to answer.

As you journey towards creating a website, considering your budget, time, and interests can help guide the way.

Once you know that there are options out there beyond just hiring someone or going alone, it may open your eyes to more possibilities for getting the support you need in the process.

What about blending some of the options together too. It can be a mix and match so that you get the support you truly need.

If you end up hiring a copywriter for your therapist website, going with Empathycopy, finding a course, or googling your way to being copywriting confident, there are so many routes that can land you on great results. 

Hope this helps you create a website that really represents the way you are, that helps your visitors feel seen and understood, and that you can be proud of. Go out there and help <3